Everyday Leadership

Noorul Eman
2 min readApr 1, 2021

-Fixing stuff around yourself
So, being stuck in house for so long due to covid-19, everyone has become a lazy and sleepy person. While I talk about being lazy and sleepy, I would mention that we’re always in our beds. So that’s the main area OUR ROOMS, where our lives have been revolving around.

I wake up early for classes, make sure I do my breakfast in my bed and also I sleep again after online class. Sad but yeah, I love sleep.

This is was my bed at 2.pm, a mess indeed!

I got up late so the sheets has been a mess, had to rush to the market because of that my clothes were also on the bed. Plus dry weather means having the creams on side of your pillow as I don’t have a side table.

Tadaaa! My favorite hello.

So, I came home and the only thing that matters to me that when I come home my room and bed are in order so that I can relax.

I knew I had to clean the mess which I created earlier so without wasting anytime, I made sure that I put my clothes back into the closet, fold the sheets, arranged my pillows, put back my creams to the drawers and put that emoji pillow on top as it give me the feeling that Well-done Eman you can always handle the mess.

I guess having a clean area around you really matters and freshens you up. I would have done this task anyhow if I wasn’t even asked to do. It’s my room and I have to arrange it in order to relax.

I clean space gives you a feeling of accomplishment and satisfaction.

Tidy room Tidy mind~🌺

